Deciding quickly whether an international business opportunity is worth investing your time and money in is crucial for preserving your valuable time and responding to opportunities promptly. This way, you can secure substantial costs. Our local team can assist you by providing practical local and commercial information during the initial assessment phase.
We evaluate the key characteristics and products of the company you wish to do business with and assess their market position. We also compare their advantages and disadvantages with alternatives and question how prepared the market is for this product. If the product is already common, what is the level of competition? If it’s a new product, how long will it take to educate consumers? We provide answers to these questions.
Each case is unique. However, we limit ourselves in terms of time and cost to clarify the situation as quickly as possible. If the result is that “it’s not worth your time,” you will have saved significantly! If the opportunity is worth considering, we can assist you in determining the course of action. Our local consultants will prepare a quick report on the market situation in their country, covering the following aspects.
Valuation of a business opportunity
- To evaluate the feasibility of the opportunity, we examine the target country’s market size, growth potential, competitive landscape, and consumer habits.
- We compare potential costs (entry, operation, compliance) with potential returns to determine if there is a clear profit potential.
- We investigate the import/export regulations, tax obligations, and required certifications in the target country to determine the legal feasibility and compliance costs.
- We assess economic, political, cultural, and sectoral risks, as well as factors such as exchange rates, logistical challenges, and the reliability of business partners.
- We obtain information from reliable local business partners or consultants to provide a more accurate picture of the market’s true condition.
- We review success or failure examples of companies that have undertaken similar projects in the target market to help you make a faster and more informed decision.
These steps will help you quickly determine whether an international business opportunity is suitable for you.
Would you like us to conduct such an “evaluation” for new product opportunities? If so, please let us know so we can send you a proposal for signature.